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…on closer inspection...
...on closer inspection...

Farmed birds need to be robust to survive the rigours of modern agriculture; this is reflected in veterinary inspection standards. Spare a thought, then, for the lovers of caged birds, such as canaries. Veterinary regulations for travel between trading blocs require the birds to be swabbed in the vent and on the tonsils. Since swabbing a canary's tonsils will kill the bird, they are no longer traded between the EU and third countries, such as the UK.

wider view of cheese
…wider view of cheese...

Who eats the most cheese in Europe? The Wideangle page in issue 335 of the New European sets out to answer this question with headline figures from around the continent. For a pre-Brexit snapshot of UK cheese imports, readers can consult

...longer lorries...
…longer lorries...

Following an early end to industry consultation, lorry trailers on UK roads can be two metres longer. This will allow hauliers to carry larger loads and require drivers of all vehicles to make allowances for greater tail swing, to borrow the industry jargon. Details on the Department for Transport website.

…it’s called progress…
…it’s called progress...

After all the hype about scientists growing synthetic protein in petri dishes, a group of researchers has got round to examining the potential environmental impact of the process. Their findings are a cause for concern rather than celebration. The environmental footprint of the processes and ingredients used can add up to 25 times the impact of real beef.

Read the study here:

…it’s enough to make you cry...
…it’s enough to make you cry...

India has this week slapped an export tax of 40% on shipments of onions leaving the country. Poor growing conditions have contributed to a seven-fold rise in tomato prices, onions are 32% dearer year-on-year and rice is up by 22%. The onion export tax will stay in force until the end of the year. Government elections will be held in 2024 and food prices are a sensitive issue.

…fading interest...

Is Labour doing the right thing when it accuses the Tories of "gaslighting" the state of the British economy, that is to say querying the tory grasp of economic indicators to unsettle conservative assumptions? Top of the list: will Thursday's (May 2, 2024) meeting at the Bank of England really decide to keep interest at 5.25%?

Read it here:

…jet stream travellers?

Livestock farmers are facing the threat of wind-borne midges carrying a new strain of blue tongue virus across the North Sea, potentially infecting British sheep and cattle. The illness is established in northern Europe, where it causes significant livestock losses.

Read it here:

…jet stream travellers?

Livestock farmers are facing the threat of wind-borne midges carrying a new strain of blue tongue virus across the North Sea, potentially infecting British sheep and cattle. The illness is established in northern Europe, where it causes significant livestock losses.

Read it here:

…rising prices...

Tea time: Manchester Evening News parent editor Emma Gill compares retailer brand tea bags after a series of substantial price rises.

The outlook for olive oil supples is as grim as ever. Sarah Butler lines up the industry's international data and tells readers of The Guardian to expect more of the same. Urban Food Chains ran an overview a a few months ago.

Read it here:

Read Sarah Butler's piece here:

…rising prices...

Tea time: Manchester Evening News parent editor Emma Gill compares retailer brand tea bags after a series of substantial price rises.

The outlook for olive oil supples is as grim as ever. Sarah Butler lines up the industry's international data and tells readers of The Guardian to expect more of the same. Urban Food Chains ran an overview a a few months ago.

Read it here:

Read Sarah Butler's piece here:

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