Urban Food Chains

the links between diet and power

This series of posts takes up and develops a number of aspects of food in urban life.

The version numbering format indicates different iterations of a specific topic.

Iterations of 1.0 will talk about the relationship between nature and the city, the ways in which the two environments rub along.

Iterations of 2.0 discuss urban food production, such as vertical farming. These may have commendable environment footprints, but are flawed in one detail that makes agriculture different from other human activities, namely that a single farm can house multiple life cycles. Breeding livestock or plant material can involve generations of farming families, each tending successive generations of plant crops. The difference between vertical farming and conventional cropping is that the generations come and go independently of each other.

Iterations of 3.0 cover the extent to which the centuries of anthropocentric city living has impacted the natural environment. Persistent chemical residues have been accumulating unnoticed for decades. The dawn chorus is a very quiet affair compared to what I remember in my childhood. Even allowing for possible bias, the thin texture of today’s urban dawn choruses is distinctly piano against the full-throated maestoso of yesteryear.

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