Every little hurts…

European food retailer Tesco has group sales of more than GBP 50 billion and saw its profitability soar by nearly 60%. The group is active in eastern Europe as well as the UK, where it operates convenience buying group and wholesaler Booker foods in addition to the ubiquitous supermarkets. Here are a few headline figures from its annual report.



Group sales

GBP 53.4 billion

GBP 54.8 billion

up 3%

Group profit

GBP 1.8 billion

GBP 2.8 billion

up 58.9%

To give an idea of the scale of these results, the 2021 GDP of Rwanda was 11.7 billion USD.

Tesco financial 2022 results are available at https://www.tescoplc.com/investors/reports-results-and-presentations/annual-report-2022/, the Rwanda GDP figure supplied by Google based on World Bank data.

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